We understand that it is not always easy to find a reliable GP for your aged care facility and that this can lead to a strain on your aged care staff. Increasingly patients and families are also requesting a GP who is able to take a more proactive and collaborative role in the delivery of medical care within the residential aged care setting. That is why 24-7MedCare is now partnering with Australia’s largest and most trusted aged care providers to provide dedicated onsite aged care GPs, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Specialising in the delivery of GP services to older Australians living in residential aged care facilities, we are the leader in providing General Practitioners visiting aged care facilities throughout the day. There are more than 275,000 older Australians living in residential aged care. Many of these people are without a regularly visiting General Practitioner during what is one of the most vulnerable and challenging stages of their life.
- New patient admission
- Respite admission
- Family case conferencing
- Avanced care planning
- Chronic care management
- Palliative care
- Dementia care
- Parkinson’s care
- After hours on call service
- Nursing support
- Geriatrician review
- Bulk Billing service
Today, 24-7MedCare along with other brands within the 24-7Healthcare group work with hundreds of aged care facilities across Australia, and in partnership with health authorities and local government. We provide holistic, patient centred and coordinated medical care, which is underpinned by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioner Standards for General Practices. 24-7MedCare has grown to become Australia’s most trusted national provider of specialised aged care GP services.
If you are an Doctor wanting to work with us, click here,
or call us on 1300 643 737.
If you are an Aged Care Facility wanting to engage
24-7MedCare to assist your residents, call us on 139 247.

Gout - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Ankylosing Spondylitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment